<strong>The Ideal Weather Beckons Retirees to San Miguel</strong>

The Ideal Weather Beckons Retirees to San Miguel

At just over 6200’ (1900 meters) in the high desert altiplano, San Miguel de Allende has almost spring-like weather year-round.

Cold nights and cool, sunny mornings in winter usually warm up to shirtsleeve weather during the day. In the hottest month of May, the lack of humidity keeps it comfortable.

Summer is the rainy season, when a typical day dawns sunny. Clouds roll in by early afternoon to bring drenching but short thunderstorms, seldom lasting more than an hour.

The rains cool off the heat of May and turn the hillsides surrounding the town a brilliant green. In the fall, wildflowers cover whole fields.

Gardeners find a paradise in San Miguel where the motto seems to be “Stick a seed in the ground and jump out of the way.”